Sunday, May 31, 2009

Hot Chocolate on a Rainy Day

Me and Mummy went out to get hot chocolate at the beach today. I brought a flask for hot chocolate at school in the mornings and then we got some ice cream. It was a good day and we succeeded in procrastinating against work.
I am in a weird mood. I feel like...I don't know. Reading? Just something good to do in the rain and get ready for school in the morning.

Comment me. Tell me how your Sunday was. I am in need of a good simple story :)


  1. My day:

    Slept in, worked on a uni assignment for a bit, then watched South Park with Dad.

    Then in the afternoon went in to Caloundra to take some seascapes/whatever. Took some cool shots with these unbelievably pretty clouds at the Kings Beach boat ramp, then went to Dickies beach to shoot the wreck there.

    I was starting to take some shots of the wreck when it started raining. So I was in the process of packing up when a huge bright freaking rainbow appeared :D

    So I took photos of that for as long as it lasted with the wreck in the foreground.

    Then it was getting dark so I was going to start doing some long exposures with the wreck, and then it started raining again, but properly raining.

    So I put my (poor poor) fur lined jacket over my camera and chucked my tripod over my shoulder and ran back to the car.

    And then I went to the servo to get chocolate milk but my car wouldn't start. So I couldnt leave. So I sat and drank my chocolate milk, looked at my photos and then rang the RACQ.

    The nice man came and fixed my car and I drove home :D

    And then struggled to remove my wet skinny jeans (not sure why I wore them to the beach)

    Now its time for pumpkin soup and to sit with my laptop infront of the fire. I love autumn!

    Thats my day :)

    Cold rainy days are the best, I agree :)

  2. (not real fur)
    lol, just thought I'd clarify.
